How did we go from peach baskets to breakaway rims? From underhand lobs to 100-mph fastballs? They Changed the Game tells 50 stories of pioneering players, obscure rules, and defining moments that shaped the games we love. Told through the artwork of dozens of talented artists from all over the world, this book is a celebration of creativity both on and off the field.
They Changed the Game was created by Matthew and Ariana Broerman, award-winning artists and designers with more than 20 years of experience in the creative field. Matt grew up on a farm in northern Ohio, playing little-league and cheering for the Cincinnati Reds. Ariana is the daughter of immigrant parents and grew up surrounded by the art and culture of her Eastern European roots. Every two years you can find her glued to the TV watching the Olympics and rooting for the United States, Lithuania, and Ukraine. The husband-and-wife duo collaborated with two dozen artists and sports writers from all over the world to bring this book to life.